Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord Jesus,

     My name is Jim Hill. I am an ordained minister, but I don't seek the glory of titles. Therefore, I am not usually referred to as Reverend Jim Hill.

     I attend regularly at a Pentecostal church that is really baptised in the spirit of family unity. God comes first in my life, and I have spent the last ten years mostly in service for the Lord. Most of my ministry efforts have been in the fields of missionary and also evangelistic work. The missionary work has been entirely on this continent. Although it may seem romantic to be a missionary overseas, we have an urgent need for missionaries right here. There are literally millions of souls in the Ghettos of North America, and very few servants of God attempting to reach them and attend their needs. I whole-heartedly urge anyone who feels the calling to serve God, to search their soul and see if they would possibly serve as a missionary right here in our own cities.

     I am currently not serving as a missionary, as I am on a one year sabbatical while I attend college again. I am upgrading my computer programming skills. I earned a degree in Computer Sciences some years ago, but today's computers require a whole new set of programming languages, so I am back in school. I also design web pages and maintain websites. As a service to christians everywhere, I have established this site. It is absolutely free, so is available to anyone and everyone. No one will be excluded because of a lack of money.

     For you single christians, I whole-heartedly recommend using the services available at the 'Christian Cafe'. I was prepared to establish a meeting place for single christians, but then discovered the Christian Cafe which has the best layout and user friendliness of any site of its kind that I have seen anywhere. They have a large database of Christians from all over the world, and are growing daily.  They have email right on the site for their members. They have a chat room which is moderated. They have other features also. Visit them and check them out. There is a button on page one to link you to them.

     What more can I tell you about myself? I am ordained Pentecostal/Evangelical, but usually consider myself as being non-denominational. I work with people and churches of many faiths. I accepted the Lord Jesus into my life ten years ago, after God performed a life-saving miracle on me and reclaimed me at my moment of death. My testimonial is recorded in the Testimonial section of this site.

     Enjoy this site. If you have any suggestions or even complaints, please feel free to send them to me by way of email at I want this site to be the very best that you can find and want you to enjoy it to the maximum. This can only happen if you tell me what you want to see here. I will be happy to make any changes or additions to the site that will enhance it. Contact me at any time. I visit my email box daily and will get back to you promptly.

     May God richly bless you in your daily living.

Jim Hill / Webmaster
World-Wide Christians                                                                            Email me: