Testimonials The testimonials on this page are good reading and are powerful examples of what our wonderful God is doing today. It is a misconception that some people think that miracles were only performed by Jesus in the days that He walked on this earth. I have personally seen many miracles today, and the bible told us to expect to see them. Read on and have your faith in God restored...... |
Testimony of Hello..... My name is Jim Hill and I am a servant of the Lord, born-again christian, and an ordained minister. The way I came to know Jesus and accept Him in my life is a real testimony to the goodness of the Lord. In 1979 I was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the stomach. At that time I had a tourist business in Ontario. Since Vancouver, British Columbia has a cancer research centre that is known to be one of the best in the world, I made the decision to sell my business and move out here where I could take advantage of their services. After over a year of chemotherapy, the doctors gave up on me and stopped the chemotherapy treatments as they were then doing me more harm than good. The medical doctors gave me about two more months to live. I found a Naturopath and by closely following his instructions, the cancer was pushed into total remission in about two years. In 1988 I started to feel ill a lot of the time, but thought that it was due to a very bad second marriage that I had gotten myself into. After I invited my wife to leave, I still didn't feel any better and thought that it was due to emotional stress. After a while I saw my doctor about it. He immediately made arrangements for me to test for cancer. As it turned out, the stomach cancer had returned. I went to the Cancer Centre in Vancouver again, and they discovered that the cancer was so bad that my entire stomach was covered with it. It was too late for chemotherapy, and an operation was not possible. They gave me two to three months to live. At the time I was managing an asparagus farm in Grand Forks, BC. On the way back home from Vancouver, I stopped to see a lady-friend in the village of Greenwood. It was a Friday evening, around dinner-time. After eating, she told me that I could either stay and watch TV, or I could go along with her as she attended a Friday evening Bible Study. I decided to go along with her. When we arrived, she told the group about the bad news that the doctors had given me. They immediately suggested that they lay hands on me' and pray for me. I didn't want them to do that, as I had until then believed that was a ritual that was practiced by people who were not in God's favour. They kept insisting, and I finally agreed just to get it over with so that I could leave there. After being prayed over, my friend and I left to return to her house. When we arrived there, I wasn't feeling very well and excused myself and left to finish my trip to home. Shortly after arriving home, I found myself in the washroom bringing up a very sick stomach. What came out was terrible and after a couple of hours of that, I decided that this was the end. Here is where I would die. I wouldn't even have the couple of months that the doctors told me I had. After many hours of being sick in the washroom, I finally felt spent and worn out. I lay down on the floor and figured that here is where I would die. That is the last I remember until I woke up in the early morning hours. Thinking that I had died, I found myself in confusion as to whether I was alive, or in some after-life state. I splashed my face in the sink, and looked into the mirror. It seemed as though I were alive and still in the flesh. After what seemed like a long time in confusion, I finally decided that I was in fact alive. Then I realized that I felt better than I had in a very long time. As the morning passed, I felt even better and began to wonder if there was something to all that laying hands on' stuff after all? The it came to me that I believed that I had in fact been healed. As the day progressed, I came to KNOW that I had in fact been healed. I dug out my Bible and opened it up. It opened to Mark chapter 5, and I read about the woman with the issue of blood who had been healed by her faith. I flipped pages again, and found myself reading Luke 17 where Jesus had healed 10 men and one threw himself at Jesus feet and thanked Him for what He had done, and shouted. "Praise God, I am healed". That did it! I got down on my knees and thanked God for my healing. The next morning I went to church and went up to the altar, confessed my sins and gave my life to Jesus. I have been a faithful follower of the Lord ever since and will continue to serve Him until He returns to take me home to my heavenly reward. This is a wonderful story of the forgiving love of our God, for previously I had been a champion sinner and God still wanted to save me. PRAISE GOD! I HAVE BEEN HEALED! |