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John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one
and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have
eternal life."
John 3: 1-3
"Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish
ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, 'Rabbi, we know you
are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous
signs you are doing if God were not with him."
In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the
truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
John 3: 5
"Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he
cannot enter into the kingdom of God".
John 3: 6,7
"That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that
which is born of the Spirit is spirit.. Marvel not that I said unto thee,
Ye must be born again."
John 1: 12
"But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the children
of God, even to them that believe on His name."
JESUS is my
Lord! as being my
redeemer |
Do you know the Lord Jesus personally?
Have you accepted Jesus as your personal
Are you truly saved?
This is a question very often posed to church goers that
have been thinking that they are on their way to heaven. Are you really going
to heaven when you leave this life? Are you sure of your salvation? Have
you taken the steps clearly outlined in the Bible to gain your salvation?
Let's take a moment and explore what it means to be saved
and what we have to do according to God's instructions.
Two thousand years ago, a conversation took place between
two outstanding men. That conversation was "heard round the world". It was
between Jesus and Nicodemus, a great religious leader of his time. In the
course of their conversation, Jesus made an announcement that came as quite
a surprise to Nicodemus. Jesus told him plainly and boldly, "Ye must
be born again".
That life-transforming, supernatural birth of which Jesus
spoke on that never-to-be-forgotten night is on the minds of millions today.
Well known personalities claim to have experienced it.Professionals in the
sports world, television celebrities, movie stars and political leaders testify
to the reality of their own new birth.
More people are talking about being born-again than ever before.
However, it has become evident that many don't have the slightest idea of
what Jesus really had in mind.
What DOES it mean to be born-again?
I'll try to clarify it here without taking too much space and
time. We'll start by reviewing the biblical record of that conversation between
Jesus and Nicodemus.
Refer to John 3: 1-3 on the left
To get an accurate picture of what Jesus was telling
Nicodemus, let's take a look at the Greek word for again that was
used in those days. It is anothen and can also mean "from above"
Therefore the verse could be translated to say, "Except a man be born
from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Perhaps this will
help to avoid the confusion of what Jesus meant by 'born again'.
Jesus went on to explain in more detail later in verse 5 of
John 3, (See sidebar) that we must be born of water ( water baptism
) and of the spirit.
And again later, in John 3: 6,7 Jesus
explains the difference between birth as we know it in the
flesh, and birth (again) as He was referring to it in the spirit.
So we can come back to the question, What is born-again?
The new birth involves an act of God far beyond the power of man.
Unseen, the Lord works within our hearts to bring us to Himself. The result
is a real, personal encounter with the Lord.
The new birth is not something we can manufacture.It's
not the receiving of a transendent vision nor the turning over of a new leaf
nor the attaining of a mysterious, religious feeling. It's not an upward
step in a process of reincarnation. It's not mere self-realization.
Itr's not some mystical contemplation, nor a kind of spiritual drug trip.
Rather, it's a definable, permanent work of God whereby
we receive a new and holy nature. That's what's involved in being born again
-- it's a supernatural, spiritual birth from above that takes place the very
moment a person puts their trust in Jesus Christ.
Being born-again is the only way to receive the forgiveness
of God and assurance of heaven. So how can you be born-again? Easy. Just
follow the recipe given in John 1: 12 on the left.
Having heard the Word of God, and having been moved by the Spirit
of God, you place your faith in the Son of God -- and a miracle occurs! You
are born from above. You become a child of God, and you receive the very
life of God. Your become a member of God's family. You are cleansed from
all your sins by your faith in the Savior.
An Invitation From Jesus
Have you ever been born-again? If not, come to Christ now.By
an act of faith in His Word, His promise, and His blood, receive Him into
your heart and life. Ask Him to save you today.
Say this prayer: "Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner.
I could never save myself. I accept You as my Savior. Believing that You
died for me, paying the penalty for all my sin, I put my trust in You. Save
me. I do believe."
If you prayed that in all sincerity, and were serious about
your intentions, there has already been a change in you. Your sins have been
forgiven, and you are now a child of God. You can say with many others, "I
too have been born again!" The new life, the life from above, now dwells
within your heart.
What's Next?
Now I encourage you to find a good, spirit filled church. One
that teaches with Spirit filled services. If you have trouble finding a good
church in your area, please email me and I will do all I can to try to help
you to find the right church. Just any church will not do. Going to a lot
of the churches available is kind of like going to the dinner table to dine
and there is no food on the table.
God Bless You!
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